Breaking through the chaos; As I run behind The flightless birds; Galloping through the Scottish highlands; The feeling was not...

Going green..!


Breaking through the chaos;
As I run behind
The flightless birds;
Galloping through the
Scottish highlands;
The feeling was not being alone,
But of myself being
A pretty free horse
Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!!
I chanted those words
Feeling as if
I was the king of my heart;
Once I ran behind those flightless birds through
Those same highlands
Was detached; but
Came back to die in very hands of my land..!!
Galloped all the way;
Were the predator’s unseen….;
The smell of moist soil,
The houses of termites; crumbled to earth!
Freezing fresh winds
Made me a complete flyer…!!
Galloping through the
Scottish highlands as I
Free myself from the chaos
Behind those flightless birds
Going green to recollect memories..!!

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