Here is a wish from me to you,sister to a brother, close friend to a close friend,high girl to a high boy, bestie to bestie, kuppo to po...

 Here is a wish from me to you,sister to a brother, close friend to a close friend,high girl to a high boy, bestie to bestie, kuppo to podiyan!!! Happy birthday to you (am singing) happy birthday to you ( am yelling) happy birthday dear anandaaaaaa ( woohoooo) happyy birthday to you!!! (Peace). This wish is for that person, who shares streaks same as me, though you get high and low at times, you make sure every one is fine, and happy... a day so near i could imagine he would become a justice to take away the down trodden part of this world, may your wishes come true, may you be the bliss of everyone, we love you :') happy birthday big boy!!! No matter what we will all remain as a family..:) god bless you in all seasons :D <3
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